Matt & Roni’s story begins with friends, puns, and pubs. Initially meeting and not making the biggest impression, they still had mutual friends and then started working together which made it hard for them to miss each other. Through this constant interaction, they developed feelings and a Funko Pop collection for the ages (hence having their session at a game shop:). Matt proposed in front of both families at a dinner leaving Roni floored and happily engaged with a BEAUTIFUL amethyst ring.
We had a blast with them in their element at Tiki Board & Games playing with Hulk & Batgirl. I’ll also mention this one is a special one for me (Mo) Roni was my band partner hitting our mallets to the marimba in high school and Tiki Games is in our hometown of Woodbury NJ. It was great catching up and having a new experience to photograph in. Can’t wait for what antics the wedding brings!!