Fonthill Castle Engagement Session | Sidney + Jarren

When we say we’re into basically anything you want to manifest in your engagement shoot, we mean it. We especially mean it if it involves her favorite, Mike Myers. Sidney & Jarren are getting married ON Halloween. It was only fitting we make this session a little spooky. A great start is the Fonthill Castle whose outside appeal is haunting. We did cutesy shots with their puppies and then it was time to get stalked. Jarren’s brother was a huge sport and owed a beer since he was the one that had to play Mike Myers. Again we used our lighting skills to give it some pop & then went over to Peace Valley Park. We got on the band wagon of smoke bombs. (which we still have some if any one is interested) and completed the eeriness with some smoke effect. It was a ridiculously good time playing around, it was like we were in a movie 🙂 Thank you guys for having such an awesome idea and following through on it! Cant wait for Halloween!

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