Philadelphia Rail Park Engagement Session | Samantha + Kieran

I’m super excited to introduce y’all to Samantha + Kieran and their adorable little pug Chief:) Yes we can’t get enough animals in our engagement sessions, BRING IT ON! They live right next the the Rail Park in Philadelphia which was an old train thoroughfare converted into an amazing green space.  We actually did a session here years ago when it was just overrun with weeds and was a little more hairy/maybe illegal to be there.  But now it’s an awesome place to walk and take engagement photos, read more about it the Philly Rail Park HERE.  After wandering around a bit by their apartment they changed outfits and we headed down to FDR park where they wanted to get some photos at the skate park under I95 by the stadiums.  Oh I forgot to mention that there was 40mph wind gusts… and these guys just kept on coming:)  It was so much fun to work with you guys.  We can’t wait for your wedding next year at The Twisted Tail!

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