
Unionville Winery Wedding | Kim & Andrew

Kim & Andrews wedding at Unionville Winery in NJ took us down a dirt road in the middle of no where. It was perfect. Rolling hills, trees, and the vineyard outback all made for lovely backdrops for this wedding. Both the bride and groom were super easy going, we did their first look in the old house that sits on the property, with huge rooms and high ceilings. Their dogs took part in the wedding too leading them out of the ceremony, it was adorable. We got some really amazing images with these two and their wedding party, and Kim’s details, like her cowgirl boots instead of heels, sunflower bouquets and whimsical dresses all turned out so beautiful. This was a really neat wedding too, since there really wasn’t much focus on the dance floor, people pretty much hung out by the fire pit, which when Andrew noticed the moon over head perfectly aligned with the festivities, we took him up on a photo and it was so gorgeous. Thank you Kim & Andrew for a wonderful time. Enjoy!

Unionville Winery Wedding Photos Unionville Winery Wedding Photos Unionville Winery Wedding Photos Unionville Winery Wedding Photos Unionville Winery Wedding Photos Unionville Winery Wedding Photos Unionville Winery Wedding Photos

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  • Tamil MatrimonialsOctober 25, 2014 - 1:54 am

    What a stunning and romantic pictures!beautiful photos.