Train Track Engagement Session | Dianne & Kyle

This was quite possibly one of the most fun and unique engagement sessions we have done. Dianne & Kyle wanted to do something different, and different we did. They drive by this train track with abandoned cars on it in Telford, PA on their drive to work everyday so they decided to do the shoot here. It was really neat, all the over grown foliage on the cars and graffiti, we were so glad to have the opportunity to shoot somewhere out of the norm. So we just took a stroll down the tracks stopping here and there. These guys were fantastic to work with. They were like kids, they both have such  giddy fun-loving outgoing personalities. Next Dianne tied Kyle to the tracks and then all paint hell broke loose. Thank you guys for such an amazing time you guys were wonderful to work with. And we cant wait to see what antics you have in store for us on your wedding day. Enjoy!

Unique Engagement Photos


Unique Engagement Photos Unique Engagement Photos Unique Engagement Photos Unique Engagement Photos Unique Engagement Photos Unique Engagement Photos



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