Hotel Del Coronado San Diego California Wedding | Lisa & Tony

This is the one we have been waiting for! Our first destination wedding to sunny southern California. We flew out to photograph their wedding in Lisa’s hometown of San Diego, CA at the Hotel Del Coronado. We met up with Lisa bright and early in her ocean view suite. We had so much time to get fantastic detail and unique getting ready shots. Matt met up with the Tony and his groomsmen to grab some shots of them and then it was time for the first look. Everywhere you look in California is a clear beautiful photo op so it was super easy to photograph anywhere, especially at The Del. After one of the best reveal performances by Tony we started portraits. The couple and their wedding party were total hams and lived it up in front of our cameras, many laughs and good times were had. After they literally tied the knot we went out to the beach for more portraits. Their reception was an intimate scene outside with a dinner set on one of the most gorgeous set ups I have ever seen. The flowers, the colors, the weather, this couple,  every little detail was perfection! Thank you so very much to Lisa & Tony for having us share in your wedding day, it was truly a fantastic time! Enjoy!

The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos 5The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos The Del California Wedding Photos

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