Tendenza Sample Wedding Album

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Genevieve over at the offices of Cescaphe which runs the Cescaphe Ballroom, The Atrium at the Curtis Center, and Tendenza.  She told me that she loved my photographs from Jana & William’s wedding at Tendenza and wanted to know if I would be interested in creating a sample book to leave at Tendenza for potential clients to see when they tour the venue.

Since I loved photographing at Tendenza (and will be back there soon;) I got to work immediately on creating an album.  Later that night I put together the design that you see below.  It was actually selected as the design of the week by Collages.net; the company that I use to print my coffee table books…but more on that later;)  So if you’re considering Tendenza as your wedding venue please head on over and take a look through my album in person.  Enjoy!

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